Benefits of Automation Tools for Email Marketing

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Tool time for emails

It’s no surprise companies are using automation tools to boost the effectiveness of their email marketing campaigns. Let’s face it, without effective marketing automation tools, organizations are missing an important opportunity to improve their email marketing results. In a highly competitive business landscape, the companies that can effectively manage their marketing resources give themselves the best opportunity for successful email campaigns. This article is an overview of how email marketing automation tools help to turn more readers into customers.

What are marketing automation tools?

Marketing automation tools deliver important flexibility allowing sales and business development teams to turn manual processes into automated processes. How a business maximizes time and employee productivity is critical for success. Again, it comes down to leverage. Automation tools can be set up, as plug and play enabling software to handle the rest. Marketing automation tools can send out email campaigns to your brand’s email subscriber list with predefined settings to enhance chances of success. It is reported that automatically generated emails provide about 87% higher open rates delivering 197% higher click-through rates. Imagine the business potential of generating about 300% more revenue than the average promotional email.

Why email marketing automation tools are necessary

Email marketing is far from an exact science. Hence, leverage plays a crucial role. Business entities both large and small need to leverage one of the most popular forms of communication in today’s world. To convert readers into customers, you need a plan and a strategy. Email automation tools can be customized, timely, and personalized to your client base. So, these emails get viewed and clicked more often, converting incoming web visitors into optimized revenue-oriented clients. As you can imagine, consumers are bombarded with email messages around the clock, causing the growth and sophistication of junk and spam cleanup tools. Consequently, businesses need to leverage the right automation tools that increase the chances of averting the spam folder, it’s all about sending the appropriate message to the prospective client at the right time.

Well designed marketing campaigns can change the trajectory of companies by delivering increased click-through rates and boosting sales figures. Email marketing automation tools are truly a game-changer.

Close the gap to your customer base

Consumers are far more likely to open personalized emails. Automation tools execute customized fields such as the first name of the client or specific organization name. Customized emails create a powerful impact and help clients develop a relationship with your brand. Email marketing is constantly evolving, it’s not a one connection deal. Companies need to consider the process a journey to factor in any learning and improvement along the way that increases the conversion factor for future emails. Furthermore, we stress how emails with personalized content have a 3x factor of opening vs general email.

Understand your ideal client

Leveraging automation tools, companies can effectively segregate consumer databases into diversified groups with different personalized messages to cater to each group based on demographics, interests, or even purchase habits. The potential is limitless. Instead of passively waiting for customers to come to your business, be proactive using automated tools. Use welcome emails for new subscribers. Schedule emails to coincide with seasonal specials, leverage drip campaigns gradually building up towards holiday themes, etc. Well designed marketing campaigns can change the trajectory of companies by delivering increased click-through rates and catapulting sales figures. Email marketing automation tools are truly a game-changer.

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